Odd Socks Day!

Well done to all children who wore odd socks on Odd Socks Day!  This is a day organised by the NSPCC to celebrate differences and diversity.   We may all be different, be we all need to feel happy and we all deserve respect.  Thank you to our Red Caps group for organising it, as part of Anti-Bullying Week 2024. Thank you to Archie for taking the pictures.


Children’s Mental Health Week

We have been celebrating Children’s Mental Health week with assemblies, mindfulness activities, poems and a competition, organised by our anti-bullying ambassadors. 


This year’s theme is My Voice Matters! We have learned that it’s really important to share our feelings, and let others know how we are. 

Here is a selection of some of our work.

Waste Recycling

Congo Class has had an amazing session with a local Waste Recycling Officer. Sam showed us a really informative video, talked about what we can and can’t recycle and then played some great games with us. The children were so enthused by this topic, that they have asked to organise an assembly AND a competition!  Watch this space for more information. 

Meanwhile, for more information, have a look here:

