We want our children to be active for their whole life. The children’s experience of sport and physical activity during their time at Ferssingfield will form the foundations of a lifetime physical activity and well-being. Therefore, it is our intention to build a curriculum that enables children to develop good physical habits, knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a broad range of sporting activities, as well as developing values and transferrable life skills such as fairness and respect.
Our PE curriculum is based on an enhanced model of the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum. The subject leader has created progression documents from reception to year 6 based upon the Get Set 4 PE scheme. These progression documents have been planned in order to build on the skills needed to meet the end of KS objectives in the National Curriculum. Our long term plan is broad and balanced, allowing children to access a wide variety of high quality PE and sports provision. The curriculum is delivered by teachers and external PE specialists. The long term plan begins by focussing on the fundamental skills and then moving onto skills and activities that can lead to different sports. Further up school, we start making the links between sports and finally in years 5 and 6, it becomes more sport specific as we get them ready for high school. Children are given plenty of opportunities to build upon prior knowledge, allowing children to know more, and remember more. Children are given plenty of opportunities to take part in competitive sports throughout the year. Provision is enhanced through the use of the Sports Premium Funding and are covered by the 5 key performance indicators; to swim 25m, to be able ride a bike, to scoot safely, to feel comfortable running or walking longer distances (over 2km), to be able to skip (at least 5 continuous skips)
The PE curriculum is taught through the Get Set 4 PE scheme which is in line with, and goes beyond, the National Curriculum. This is used to aid teaching staff in their subject knowledge. Teachers are able to adjust and change lessons to suit the needs of their classes but the scheme provides a strong basis of what is expected. Each class has access to 2 hours of high quality PE lessons every week. These are either taught by the class teacher or by a PE specialist. Children are given the opportunity to practise skills in a variety of ways and each lesson builds upon the previous skills, allowing them time to embed it. Different skills are recapped throughout and across the years, each time they are being built upon; allowing children to know more and remember more. Years 1 to 6 at least 6 weeks of swimming lessons per year. This means that children have the best opportunity to meet the swimming requirements as they have the whole year to learn, practise and apply the skills needed. We offer a wide range of sporting after school clubs run by an outside agency called the PE Shed. These clubs are paid for by school and they provide children with access to a wide range of sporting activities. These activities are chosen based upon feedback from the children. The clubs are changed once a half term and cater to a range of abilities. Clubs run two times a week. A range of inter and intra events run throughout the school year, giving children opportunities to take part in competitive sports.
Assessments are based on teacher assessments and are recorded on the Get Set 4 PE assessment sheets. Evidence of progress is shown via the tracking system and through pupil voice. Pupils are also given time to reflect on their learning and take part in self, peer and group feedback within the lesson.
Our children have a secure understanding of the benefits of leading healthy lifestyles. Children are able to know more and remember more about the importance of healthy lifestyles. They progress well throughout each year group and meet the NC objectives. They are eager to attend after school clubs and competitive sports events and even the least confident children are keen to attend.