The Year 6 vs Staff Rounders Match and the Water Fight

We had a such a fun afternoon on Thursday when the Year 6s took on the Staff in the traditional Leavers’ Rounders Match. The children started the game full of confidence and quickly notched up an impressive first round innings of 26 thanks to some dubious fielding on the part of the Staff. The staff were only able to come close to this in their own first innings, scoring 23 rounders. But, with their pride somewhat dented and their tails up, the fightback started in the second innings with some impressive fielding which limited the children’s second innings to just 47 in total. It all came down to the teachers’ last innings, and the children’s own fielding display, which was, admittedly, impressive. However, helped on by a magnificent display by Mrs Tooley, the teachers eventually (as is customary) won.

The water fight needs no further report. Everyone got, as you can imagine, very wet.