Is your creature fierce or friendly?

Congo class children have been busy working on a 3-d creative project. First, they looked at different sculptures of dragons, from different countries and in different time periods. The Chinese dragons were amazing!  

Next, they spent some time drawing facial expressions, noting how facial features like eyebrows can affect how friendly or fierce a creature can appear. 

After that, they experimented with different joins, which included split pin, double-sided tape and using a glue gun. 

The children then designed their own 3-d creatures, and worked collaboratively to make their models. The results were stunning!  They most definitely showed great expressions. The children also had to consider the stability of each model. 

Here are some examples we made. When the children evaluated their models, lots of them realised that probably the strongest joining method was using split pins. However, for a lot of children, using double-sided tape was a new technique. And who knew clothes pegs could be so good at holding material in place whilst it dries?  What amazing creations you have made, Congo Class!


The children had fun with the teachers in their new classes last Thursday and Tuesday. Each teacher approached the morning in slightly different ways, but with the aim of getting to know the children and to start to build and prepare for next year. Some classes produced some fantastic work for their book covers, others focused on art work and others began to think about the rules they would agree for their class charters to ensure each child receives their entitlement to Articles 28 Access to Education and Article 29 Aims of Education under the United Nations Charter for the Rights of the Child. 

Thank you to all of you who attended the Get-To-Know-You Class Meetings over the last two weeks. These were established following your feedback as part of the Communications Survey at the start of the year and were a really useful and important way to share our class expectations, routines and forthcoming events. Here are the powerpoints for those that weren’t able to attend.


On the last day of term the whole school went to the church for a celebration of the school year and to recognise those whose achievements have especially caught the eye this term. The service was really uplifting with a song to sum up the year from Colorado Class; a brilliant rendition of Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside from Danube, a song about looking after our planet from Waveney, a brilliant rap about the class members of Congo Class, written by the children themselves, and a moving leaving song from Yangtze Class. Thank you Rev Susan for hosting us.  

Those receiving certificates this term were: 

Reading Certificates and Book Vouchers: Verity Scott, Ernie Godbold, Sol Hunt, Bepe Biasi, Reuben Rankin, George Powell and Martha Dinsdale. 

Attendance Cup and Book Vouchers for 100% Attendance: Arieanna Ria, Liam Durrant, Chloe Martin, Bella Martin, Lydia Baskerville, Oliver Oldridge, Oscar Broadley, Amelia Oldridge, Jayden Durrant 

Mrs Tuthill’s Award for Politeness and Good Manners EYFS/KS1: Harper Chrystal 

Mrs Tuthill’s Award for Politeness and Good Manners KS2: Arthur Smith  

Mary Webb Art Award for EYFS: Rosa Mortimer 

Spice Award for Art in KS1: Phoebe Lake 

Spice Award for Art in KS2: Charlotte Cooper 

Lomax Trophy Sports Award: Levi Bennett 

Contribution to School Life Award: Chloe Martin 

Mrs Fenning’s Award for Progress in EYFS: Harry Goodwin 

The Fox and Goose Award for Progress in KS1: Darwin Mack 

The Chase Cup for Progress in KS2: Eden Scott


As is traditional at Fressingfield Primary School, the Year 6 Leavers were invited to challenge the Teachers in a game of rounders as a special leaving treat on Wednesday. However, in a (rain enforced) break from tradition, the rounders match became a giant indoor Dodgeball competition. For those that haven’t played this game before, rest assured that it is a game of no little jeopardy. The game is won by hurling balls at your opponents in an attempt to hit them between the shoulders and the feet. Needless to say, this gave both teams plenty of opportunities to exact revenge for any perceived injustices we may have felt over the seven years we have all been together in the same building! And, needless to say, despite never having played the game before, the teachers trounced the Year 6 children to maintain our 100% record of winning these tournaments.  

The match was followed by a BBQ lovingly prepared by Mr Schwier and Mr Davey under a tree in the pouring rain with burgers contributed by Mrs Tooley and Mr Schwier’s sausages.  

And the afternoon finished with the – also traditional – water fight. The children claim to have ‘won’ the water fight and it’s true that Mrs Waring and I were soaked to the skin. But, I don’t think there was a dry patch on any of our 19 opponents, so honours even is probably a better way to describe the outcome.  

It was a great afternoon. We will miss you Year 6s.