The Great Charity Shop Book Scavenger Hunt is now ON and books are being sent in across the school. Thank you for your contributions so far.

Last year, with the Walk on the Wild Side, we raised £1,500 to buy as many of the books on the Essential Guides as possible, but we still have more to do to complete our collections and we need your help.  

So this year, we have launched the Great Charity Shop Book Scavenger Hunt. We would like you to scour the book shelves of charity shops wherever you go to find as many of the books on the Essential Guides as possible, buy them and donate them to the school. The books on the lists highlighted in yellow are the books we already have in school. (Children’s books in charity shops normally sell for about £1, so please don’t spend more than this.) The School Librarians will monitor how many books from the lists we have managed to collect and will keep track of our progress with a special display. If we manage to meet our target by the end of term, there will be a special treat for everyone during one of our Book Worm Sessions on Friday afternoons.  

We will add a special sticker to the inside of all donated books to read, “Kindly donated by the _________ family.” 

We hope you can help us with this initiative. The local charity shops are full of fantastic children’s books that would make a huge difference to the quality of our class libraries. With your help, and with the money raised earlier this year, we hope to be able to complete our collection of every book on the Essential Guide. How good would that be?!

Team Building

Congratulations to some of the key stage 2 children who attended a recent Team Building event at Hartismere School. Using a range of equipment, and led by Hartismere team leaders from Years 10 and 11, the children undertook a range of challenges, alongside around ninety children from other local schools. Niall even won a prize for great team skills. Finn said his favourite activity was the blindfold game. Maisie liked the ladders game, which involved working together and trusting each other.   Once again, Fantastic work, Fressingfield Primary!

World Mental Health Day

Congo Class children have been celebrating World Mental Health day by creating dances to show different scenarios, reflecting feelings of worry or anxiety, which might be natural when we go through change. The children have worked hard on varying the dynamics to show moods. Great work, Congo Class!

Forest Schools – Tuesday 27th September

European Day of Languages

​Today we celebrated European Day of Languages focusing on the country, France. We had a great time learning some French including counting to 10 and singing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes! In the afternoon we turned our classroom into a lovely French cafe and listened to music while eating croissants, pain au chocolates and drinking hot chocolates. We had a great day and look forward to celebrating it again next year!