Footgolf Tournament 2024

Yesterday, we took an enthusiastic team of 14 children to the HSSSP Footgolf Tournament at Hartismere High School. The children, selected from each year group from Year 1 to Year 6, were split into pairs to complete with a randomly selected pair from another school. As very few of the other schools chose players from across their schools, this made for some interesting mixed-age match ups! Harry and Amber in particular, had the pleasure of being picked to play against a sporty pair of Year 5 children from Mellis. Needless to say, the Fressingfield pair gave them a real run for their money because they are both incredible at kicking the ball really, really, really far!

The game was played over 18 holes. The children had to kick off towards a point a hundred or so metres away being careful to avoid the water features and the sandy bunkers on the way. Pairs had to take alternate shots, so it was really a good team effort. And the team that got around in the fewest number of kicks was the winner. The whole event was managed by the Hartismere Sports Leaders, and we were really impressed by them. At the end, the Sports Leaders awarded many of our children sporting values awards. Well done to each pairing: Rory and Stanley, Florence and Verity, Dexter and Alfred, Eden and Amy, India and Sol, Harry and Amber and to Archie and Niall who finished in second place overall.