And the Fressingfield Class of 2023 (Year 4) has finally arrived at Hilltop! The sun shone and the welcoming faces of the Hilltop staff also beamed sunny smiles.
This year, unlike others, we were in the Seaview area. This is bright and light, with a beach hut theme.
After a packed lunch where the children all seemed to have packed lunches double the size of the Fressingfield staff’s, we set off to be hard-hatted and harnessed up for the zip wire. This one, of course, is bigger and better than most.
After a couple of rides each, we warmed up on the agility course to prepare for the assault course. Ellis our leader showed us how to camouflage our faces with mud. We reckoned this was a gentle introduction to mud, as some of the activities on the course had a distinctly wet and muddy theme! Despite this, everyone managed to stay dry and we all emerged on the other side.
After a leisurely, but filling, supper, it was back outside with torches, jackets and partners, to play Owls and Mice (a bit like hide and seek) in a very large – and dark – forest. How exciting was that!
Tomorrow (Tuesday), the forecast says mild and dry. Most of us have gone to bed rather tired, but dreaming of bacon butties for breakfast!