The Year 6 Residential – Day 2

It’s incredible how much can be squeezed into one day! Today has included a tree-top trail, a huge walk to Sheringham for an ice-cream, a swim, fire-making and camp building, three cooked meals, a room inspection, bag packing and a Stars of Fressingfield Award Ceremony. I’m not sure how we managed to achieve so much, but it helps that the day started at about 5.15am! Needless to say, we have some rather tired-looking children tonight, so we’re hoping they will sleep a little longer.

For Group 2, which includes Ted, James, Sonny, Korbyn, Nancy, Sienna and Maisie, the day started with an enormously long walk to Sheringham. The walk took in the Pretty Corner Woods, the old priory, the common, the Beeston Bump, the train line, the beach, the ice-cream shop and the town itself. It’s a wonderful walk with beautiful views, a bit of history about Henry VIII and the challenge of using a compass and reading the maps themselves to work out the directions to the next waypoint. The girls completed the walk very much in their own bubble – they have loved being together over the last three days and they seem to be able to entertain themselves endlessly. The boys really enjoyed it too and Mrs Scott said it was lovely to see them pretty much arm in arm helping each other along and chatting and just enjoying it all.

Meanwhile, Group 1, which is George, Oliver, Oscar, Niall, Daisy, Bella, Lizzie, Tobie and Lydia’s group were taking on their first BIG challenge here – the Tree Top Trail (or Chree Chrop Chrail as we seem to be calling it). The first job, after getting on our harnesses and helmets, is getting to grips with the safety locking mechanism; it’s a clever system which means the children have the freedom to choose different routes but they are always attached to the wires on the course. Learning how to use it all involves keys, rings, karate chops and marriages (they’ll have to explain when they get home). But once they have the hang of it, they are free to go. The course starts at ground level, but very quickly, the children have to negotiate a wobbly ladder across the road, balance beams, tightropes blocked by balloons, barrel bridges, hoops, and all sorts of other obstacles. Some children are fearless with this: Niall and Tobie are quite happy dangling and playing no matter how high up they are; for others it is all a bit more of an ordeal. But that’s where the challenge-by-choice comes in. Bella needs a special mention for overcoming her initial worries on the wobbly bridge and then choosing to complete the higher of the two challenges. You’ll see from the photos how much fun the others were having.

In the afternoon, Group 1 set off on the Journey to Sheringham for a Mr Whippy, and Group 2 set off into the woods for the bush craft. They had just as much difficulty getting the fire to light as Group 1 had yesterday, but this time the wind was the issue. However, Maisie stepped up to the plate and did wonders blowing on the embers and feeding the fire with kindling to get it all going. They arrived back at the base covered in warpaint and completely happy.

The evening included a twenty minute dip in the pool for each group. It’s unheated but James and Ted said it was fine once they had got in. Sienna agreed, but said that getting out was difficult in the wind. I’m not surprised.

After dinner, whilst the children were playing a mega game of Mad Hatters on the field, the Room Inspectors arrived. They are fierce and have incredibly high standards. The boys performance here was mixed, we came both first and last in the competition. So, whilst both rooms had certainly made an effort, it was Oliver, Oscar, George, Niall and Tobie who won the prize: it was the display of their hoodies on their spare bed each with their name uppermost and an item of personal significance underneath (a fishing book, a picture of dad, etc) that helped win the judges’ admiration. The girls had also made an effort, but the competition from other schools was pretty stiff and they finished in fifth and sixth places overall (out of six. Oops.).

The evening ended with Stars of Hilltop: the children nominated people they had noticed being kind, helpful or brave, or those that had overcome a personal challenge, etc. It’s a lovely moment and many of our children were either nominated or had lovely things to say about the people they were nominating. I love it.

And now the children are in bed. Tomorrow we’ll pack up our rooms before our final activities (The Air Jump and the assault course for Group 1 and the Chree Chrop Chrail for Group 2). Then we’ll set off after lunch. Be prepared for some big hugs from some very mucky children!

News from Hilltop – Year 6 Residential Day 1

I was hoping for the Quiet Room duty this evening after a busy day, but I find myself here in the games room as Lydia, Sonny, Daisy and Lizzie play ping pong. They are definitely enthusiastic, but seem to use the same amount of force to hit the ball as they would a rounders ball, so plastic missiles are whizzing across the room at high speed. There’s a certain level of jeopardy sitting here, but those are the lengths your intrepid reporter is prepared to go to to bring you the latest news from the front line. It’s not all bad though because I’ve just been serenaded by Korbyn on the piano. Lovely. If only the current piano player had the same level of skill! 

It has been a packed day. The journey passed without incident and we arrived in good time to set up our rooms before having our packed lunches. The Fressingfield boys are taking the tidy room challenge seriously and have all unpacked and put their things away. Soon we were splitting into our day groups for our afternoon activity. For Lizzie, Daisy, Bella, Lydia, Oscar, Oliver, Tobie, George, Niall and a similar number of children from Laxfield and Stradbroke, this meant bushcraft. This started with a walk through the woods up to the top of the hill looking for silver birch kindling, which is full of natural oils so is excellent for starting fires. They soon had a trug filled with this and one-finger and two-finger wood. The rain was intermittent throughout the afternoon, but we were quite sheltered in the woods. So small rafts were built for our cotton wool to sit on, then a strike on the fire lighter later and the kindling caught. Lots of blowing was needed to get the fires roaring, but they did enough to boil a kettle for hot chocolates and to cook some marshmallows. The next task was to build shelters for our Bendy Bobs, which – as you can see from the photos – the group took to with enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Nancy, Maisie, Sienna, James, Ted, Korbyn and Sonny went off to the Air Jump. Needless to say, Nancy started from where she took off two years ago, fearlessly jumping from 8 metres onto an enormous air bag. The bag itself is about four metres tall – it wouldn’t fit into Yangtze classroom – and it sits next to an enormous wooden tower. All the children start on the same level as the top of the airbag and the key to being able to progress further up the tower is technique. The trick is to leap off and throw your legs forward so that you land on your back. For some, attempting this first jump a couple of times was enough, but for others, each subsequent jump involved climbing higher and higher up the tower. Sonny, James and Ted each made it to 7 metres – which is at about the same height as the tops of the trees. But Nancy went as high as is possible to go. Awesome flying. Or falling.

By the time I saw them all, they were absolutely filthy because, having finished the Air Jump, they moved onto the assault course… just as the heavens opened. The course involves wriggling, across planks, squirming through tunnels and crawling under cargo nets through the mud. Judging by the state of them, it seems as though they really got stuck in – as you can see from the photos.

Dinner was roast chicken and apple crumble with custard – which was a first for some of us (George gives it a 5 out of 10). And this was followed by a game in the woods which involved running around trying to find hidden symbols with your team. The setting is fantastic – the centre is set in a kind of bowl with pine woodland on each slope. Dotted all around are rhododendrons and every so often there is a fantastic view out over the sea. It’s a lovely place.

So, after our down time in the games room, Dr Leicester will do his rounds and then it will be time for sleeping.

Tomorrow each group will have two activities followed by swimming and then our evening game – so it’s going to be full on.

We can’t wait!


We had such a good time on Friday evening at the Family Fun event. We were so lucky with the weather: it threatened to rain, but then held off – in fact, it turned into a fabulous evening. We are so grateful to FOFSA for all they did to organise the activities, to all the teachers and staff who stayed on late into the evening to run their stalls and to the firefighters who came to us after their shifts at work so we could clamber all over their fire engine! Thank you.

We always say we are ‘at the heart of our community’ and it certainly felt that way on Friday evening. It was wonderful to see the children playing whilst the adults caught up, chatted and relaxed. It is clear we are part of a strong, close and supportive community.

There was so much to do: the pond was teaming with life and Lauren Mack was on hand to tell us all exactly what we were looking at; the bouncy castles kept many children entertained all evening; there was rounders and football well into the night; a crowd of children were kept entertained and well-fed by Miss Adamson and Mrs Bishop at the fire-pit; the wand-making stall was incredibly popular; and it was great to see the children’s faces when the fire engine turned up with its lights flashing and its woo-woos on! The evening ended with the great fun of the tug-of-war, which everyone really enjoyed (but would someone please remind me next time that my back is too old for silly games!).

FOFSA report that the evening raised a fantastic £350. So, well done all and thank you once again to all who helped make the evening brilliant.

School Values

The Governing Body, including our parent governors, have recently been working on our school values and the Strategic Plan. This document very clearly sets out the strategic priorities for 2024 and how they sit alongside our school’s ethos (I have come that you may have life in all its fullness. John 10:10), our five core values (courage, responsibility, well-being, respect and curiosity), and our curriculum drivers (lifelong learners, healthy for life, at the heart of our community, environmentally aware and rights respecting citizens of the world).

Fressingfield wins Gold at Netball!

Massive congratulations to the Compete Netball team, who recently came home with the gold medal position in the High Suffolk HSSSP schools tournament!  This consisted of teams from over ten schools, and is a prestigious and very competitive event!  

On a mild, sunny day, we took two teams, consisting of Compete:  Tobie, Daisy, Bella, George, Imogen, Lydia and Eden, and Develop:  Niall, Maisie, Sienna, Elizabeth, Oliver, Scarlett and Edward, all children from Years 5 and 6.  The games were short (ten minutes each) with no end changes, with children playing different teams on different courts.  With a quick changeover time between games, children needed to be at the right place, at the right time.  Our opponents included a local school which is very competitive, and fielded three Compete teams.

Games were refereed by sports mentors from Framlingham College, who were fair and helpful with all the teams.  In the Compete tournament, Fressingfield made a cracking start, with a rapid hat-trick from Tobie, who then scored another goal!  In the second match, Fressingfield had an even more decisive win.  We then heard that one team had had a national coach to work with them – we drew with this team, who had children who were very tight in their passing.  After the first six games, the Compete team had won five games and drawn one.  With the children making their own substitutions and strategic decisions, all focus was on the semis.  With a plan in place, the Compete team was then told – no semis!  The tournament was all on points during the league rounds!  With bated breath, we heard we were the winners!  Fantastic job, Fressingfield!

Develop team also did incredibly well, although didn’t make medal position.  We were so proud of our school’s determination, passion, respect and all-round enjoyment of the day.  A special mention to our school individual medal winners:  Tobie and Niall (Determination) and George (Teamwork).


The children of Fressingfield Primary School held their annual Easter Celebration at the parish church this Tuesday with a packed church in attendance. The celebration, which featured presentations from each class, was a thoughtful and uplifting event. The whole school sang with passion and enthusiasm, having been ably taught by Ms Clarke who volunteers regularly at the school. They started with Life is a Wonderful Thing, enjoyed Whose Pigs Are These? as a round in two parts, sang Mary’s Song with huge emotion and almost lifted the roof of the church of with The Power and the Glory. The children in Yangtze gave a thoughtful presentation about Doubting Thomas. Congo shared some lovely Easter Poems, Mrs Buckenham wrote another wonderful song for Colorado Class and Ms Bussien taught them how to sign it, and Danube and Waveney Classes performed some very cute songs with actions too. We were all grateful to Revd Susan and the team at Fressingfield church for leading us and accommodating us.

The service was also an opportunity to award the cups for the term. Here are our winners in full:

The Mary Lewis Reading Award: Tabitha, Zac, Ollie, Darwin, Martha, Jasmine and Sienna.

The Mrs Tuthill Award for Politeness and Good Manners: Verity and Emily

The Mary Webb Art Award: John

The Mrs Spice Art Awards: Emily-Aliza and George

The Mrs Fenning Trophy: Hector

The Chase Cup: Oscar

The Fox and Goose Cup: Raven

We hope you all have a lovely Easter Holiday!


Our swimmers picked up the Bronze award in the swimming gala at Stradbroke Pool on Tuesday in a competition with 9 other schools. The eight swimmers, who were whisked away at the end of the Easter celebration at the church to go and compete, took part in races for each stroke and a team medley. The races were hotly contested, and the fastest at each stroke were invited to take part in a final, in which Tobie achieved a first place finish and Eden a second place finish. Well done to them and well done to the whole team – Eden, Tobie, Oscar, Oliver, Scarlett, Imogen, Poppy and Hector, who finished in third place overall. A fantastic achievement!


Congratulations to the Hockey Team who came away with the Gold Medal in the HSSSP Compete Competition last Wednesday. This is a hotly contested competition, with teams from more than ten schools across the High Suffolk area including some of the biggest schools in the area. Fressingfield Primary School sent two teams to the event; one in the Compete competition and another at the Develop level.

The Fressingfield children really put on a show: the compete competition was played as a league and our boys and girls, including children in Years 4, 5 and 6 won their first six games and then drew their final game. Games were played in teams of four with the requirement that two boys and two girls are on the pitch at all times. We had a team of six and rolling subs, so each member played an equal part in the success, so well done to Sophia, Harriet, Lydia, Oscar, Tobie and Hector. A special mention must go to Tobie who was awarded a ‘Determination’ individual medal: one of these is awarded per team to the player that most epitomises one of the sporting values.

The Develop team also had a good competition, winning two of their games and drawing another, which left them third overall in their group. Ms Scott admired their passion and commitment as a group, so well done James, Archie, George, Jayden, Bella, Daisy and Ella. In this competition it was Daisy who picked up the individual award, this time for ‘Teamwork.’

Well done all!


The Junior Road Safety Officers, with the help of their classmates in Yangtze Class, spent the afternoon washing cars today. And what a great job they did! Mr Leicester’s car (which had never been washed since being bought in the autumn!) was transformed: the children were convinced it was smiling as it was driven off the playground. Mrs Scott and Mr Eaves, who helped the children, were impressed with their enthusiasm, energy, commitment to high standards and customer care! Each car left washed, dried and gleaming in the spring sunshine.

The children raised over £60 towards their yellow lines project. They are determined to transform the parking issues at the front of the school for the better by having yellow zig-zag lines painted. This would mean the emergency services always have access to the school in an emergency and the school bus will always be able to get around. This is another excellent example of ‘courageous advocacy’ at Fressingfield Primary School: we want our children to understand that they are able to make a positive difference to the world around them through their actions.

There are lots of ways in which children can get involved and take on responsibilities at Fressingfield Primary School, including being a librarian, a JRSO, an anti-bullying ambassador, eco-committee member, gardening club member, or a member of the school council. If your child is interested in getting involved, just speak to their class teacher to find out more.

New Mural to Celebrate World Book Day

We are really pleased to unveil the new mural on the wall outside Waveney Class. The mural, created by our Artist-In-Residence, Simon Bobby, features all of our very favourite book characters including the Tiger Who Came To Tea, the dragon from Room On The Broom, the Gruffalo, the Cat In The Hat, Meg and Mog, the Very Hungry Caterpillar, and many, many more. If you haven’t already done so, please do go and have a look. Can you name them all? Which of these books have you read and which is your favourite character?

We would like to offer a huge thank you to Simon for dedicating so much time to creating this mural for us. We absolutely love it!