Danube Class Poems

The children in Danube Class have had a fantastic week of sensory poetry inspired by nature in the school grounds. 

They spent time outside at the start of the week to collect ideas using their senses: sight, sound, smell and touch.

They then put their ideas into a poem, using the structure:

Such a sound I heard… 

Such a sight I saw… 

Such a touch I touched…

Such a smell I smelt… 

Once written, the children read them to the class with a partner doing some actions. It was lovely to see how proud they each were of their poems.

They really are wonderful and we hope you enjoy them as much as us.

Forest Schools – Tuesday 29th November

What a fantastic time we’ve had during our Forest School sessions! We have learnt so many new skills such as tying knots, using a range of tools, learning how to light a fire (and cook on it) and survival skills. It has been so fun to spend every Tuesday in our Forest School area learning about the environment and spending time in the fresh air. We couldn’t think of a better way to finish our sessions than with a hot chocolate, brownies, cakes, biscuits and other treats!