Danube class really enjoyed their trip to Banham Zoo! Highlights of the day included visiting the meerkats, travelling around the zoo on the zebra train and learning some really interesting facts about giraffes. Did you know that giraffes have black tongues because it stops their tongues from getting sunburnt whilst they’re chewing the leaves off the trees!

Y6 Residential – Day 3

That’s it! We’re all packed up and on the coach home. It’s hard to believe how quickly it’s gone.

We’ve had a great morning though and ended on a real high – literally so because Group 1 was on the Air Jump and Group 2 were on the Tree Top Trail. 

These bigger activities are when the challenge by choice ethos is really clear. The children chose their routes or the height of the platform then work through at their own pace. Some children, such as Tobie,  Daisy and Nancy, are just full of confidence and seem to be unfazed by challenges at height – for them all these challenges are just another form of play. For others, the activities quickly reach a level where they really have to conquer a fear and will themselves to continue. Bella, Sienna, Maisie Lydia, James, Lizzie, Sonny, Oliver and Korbyn all fall into this category and their ability to overcome their doubts and push through despite their very legitimate fears was awe inspiring. Others fall somewhere in between,  getting on with things with a quiet confidence,  or trying to progress by improving their technique. Ted is one of these; he just enjoyed the challenge and was prepared to take on the harder and higher of the two courses. Similarly, Oscar, George and Niall were determined to get as high as they could on the Air Jump and they just kept working away at it and working away at it. 

So, well done all. It has been a fantastic three days. The children’s behaviour, attitude, teamwork and perseverance have been brilliant. Mrs Scott and I are so proud of them all. 

And now, it’s the half term so we can all take a much-deserved break. Have a lovely holiday everyone.

Mr Leicester