Congo Class learns about Incarnation

Children in Congo Class visited St Peter and St Paul’s Church, whilst learning all about Incarnation. The children were detectives, finding ‘I am …’ clues from St John’s gospel. Great work finding all those clues, everybody!

Science Activity Tuesday 23rd November

Today in Science we had a secret mission to free our dinosaurs! Unfortunately, an ice monster came to school last night and frozen some of our toy dinosaurs. Luckily, we thought of lots of ways to rescue them. We used hair dryers and hot water to try and melt the ice. We used toy hammers and spoons to try and smash the ice. Eventually, we managed to rescue all of the dinosaurs and returned them back to their homes.

Fressingfield Reflection Shed


A big thank you to some of our Year 5s, who helped to paint the interior of our Reflection Shed.

And an even bigger thank you to all our Shed Monitors, who have happily spent some of their lunchtimes overseeing children who spend time in our Shed.Last half-term’s theme, Rainbows, was really enjoyed by everybody.

This half-term’s theme is Advent or The Coming.  We are very excited to be sharing this with you all!