Forest Schools – Tuesday 20th September

Congo and Yangtze Class Summer Performance: Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty!

Congratulations to all the children involved in the Congo and Yangtze End of Year Performance. It was such a great show and we are so proud of you all. The singing was lively and raucous – it was wonderful to see how much you were enjoying it (but thank goodness we had Mrs Foster on the piano holding everything together!). 

Our soloists were amazing and had the audience in raptures: well done for singing so clearly and beautifully Ruby, Ivy, Imogen, Sonny and Lily, and well done Jayden for channelling your inner Rock God! We loved it! 

The acting was sensational and so convincing. Every word was clear, and your facial expressions added to the overall effect, so you had the audience in the palms of your hands: they laughed at all the jokes, cheered all your successes, booed the baddies and loved every minute of it. 

Thank you to everyone who helped us put on such a great show.

What a great occasion! Well done everyone. 

Mr L

Our Last Forest School Session – Tuesday 12th July

A group of Fressingfield children recently headed off to Norwich on our annual RE trip

First we visited Norwich Synagogue. We knew it was a little different, as we could see Hebrew writing. But we recognised the Jewish Star of David. We met Deborah, who was warm, friendly and very informative. We did some role-play, imagining we were part of a Jewish family, celebrating the Sabbath (or Shabbat). Deborah shared some Jewish bread (Challah) and we lit a menorah. It all felt a little bit special. Also, we started to connect other ancient religions, like Islam and Christianity.

In the afternoon, we crossed over the road into an enormous building – it was Norwich Catholic Cathedral of St John the Baptist. This was an amazing feast for our eyes. All around were sights, colours and smells – and the strange busy sound of praying and worshipping. Our guide, Christina, took us all around, showing artworks, votive candles, statues and stained glass. Each one had a story behind it. Even the room we had our lunch in had a tale of live and power!  We left feeling we had spent time in a beautiful, holy place.