Today, our last day, we were greeted with rain; cold rain. Still, I think everyone had had a decent night’s sleep, and was looking forward to the final day, despite the weather.
Packing to go home really is the hardest thing, especially if you’re only eight. But, with the help of a few really awesome lads who, not only packed themselves up very quickly, but also helped carry other people’s luggage to the storage points, the job soon got done.
After another delicious cooked breakfast, we set off for our final activities; team games and the Super Swing. The Swing involved being harnessed and hard-hatted (again), and was not for everyone. However, everyone loved running up to the viewpoint in the shelter, and watching children’s faces, as a strange 3-person contraption swung through the clearing in the forest. Apologies for the lack of photos; the school camera memory card was full!

To finish, we played an intriguing team game involving squares and trapdoors. That’s when the sun finally began to shine. In between activities, we sneaked in for a quick, warming hot chocolate, which hit the spot perfectly.
After a nippy, but yummy, pit stop (homemade pizzas), it was time to say goodbye and thank you to everyone. The entire Hilltop team was so complimentary about everybody. ‘You are all such a great school’ Mrs Tooley and I heard, time and time again.
We are all so proud of you, Congo Class, for being a real credit to us all. We hope you all had a fantastic time, and will take home some great memories.
Many thanks to everybody who made this (the first of many, we hope) happen.