The Governing Body

Fressingfield Church of England Primary School is now an academy and a founding member of the All Saints Schools Trust. You can see information about how the Trust is governed on the Trust Website

Our school governing body’s role changes slightly in consequence.  Nevertheless, we retain a central role in ensuring that the school delivers the high standard of education our children deserve.

The Local School Governing Body works with and is accountable to the Board of Trustees and together we exercise the core functions of governance:

  • establishing the strategic vision and direction of the school
  • ensuring high standards of educational performance with accountability to parents and the community
  • ensuring financial probity and effective use of school resources

Here at Fressingfield School, we also aim for a happy, safe and supportive environment for both children and staff.

Our governing body includes two Foundation Governors, appointed by the Diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich: they have the additional role of promoting the school’s distinctiveness as a Church of England School.

The full governing body meets twice a term and committees as required. Governors also visit to get to know the school in order to understand its strengths and weaknesses.

Governors are expected to uphold the seven principles of public service, and have a code of conduct which all governors sign; governing body responsibilities are corporate and so all governors stand by decisions once agreed.   As governors, our role is strategic with the operational running of the school the responsibility of the Headteacher and senior staff.

Fressingfield governing body is a member of the National Governors’ Association and governors have  the benefit of its weekly updates and regular magazine to help them in their work of contributing to high quality provision for a child’s important formative years.

The Governors Introduce Themselves

My professional background is in education, as a teacher, manager, Ofsted Inspector and also in policy development. Most recently I have specialised in support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and currently work part time in this area. Alongside this I work in the family farming business and our new venture Fire and Feast Suffolk. I believe very strongly in the power of education to change lives and am pleased to be able to support Fressingfield School as a governor.

I first worked with Fressingfield Primary School as a National Tutoring Programme tutor, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to continue to serve the school as a Foundation Governor. I began my teaching career as a Religious Education teacher, before specialising in the support of children with additional needs. I now combine assessing and tutoring children with Specific Learning Difficulties, with training assessors.

As the parish priest here in Fressingfield, I have the privilege of being a Foundation governor and I also take assemblies on a regular basis. My passion is for children to grow up knowing that they are loved not for what they can do but for who they are, and to encourage them to have the ambition to reach their potential.

I have lived in Fressingfield for over 40 years. I’m married to David who has lived and farmed here all his life and we have two children. I retired as senior practice nurse at Fressingfield Medical Centre several years ago. I served on Fressingfield Parish Council for 28 years.

I am a mum of two with my eldest currently attending in Reception. I have worked in education throughout my career but this is my first opportunity to take a position as a parent governor. I hope to effectively represent the views of parents in our community and make a positive impact to the school experiences of our children.

I have two young children. One currently in year 1 and, the second, soon to follow in reception.

As a marketing professional – my day job is improving people’s interactions with the organisations and brands they care about. As a parent governor, I’m committed to applying this experience to helping advance the vision and ambitions of Fressingfield School.

I enjoy working with my fellow governors and the leadership team to shape an environment where our children can shine and our teachers, parents, and the local community, feel a sense of pride!

I am a mum of two with my eldest currently in year 1. I am also a primary school teacher of 14 years. I wanted to join Fressingfield as a governor as I felt with my background, I could be supportive to staff, help with new initiatives and make sure high expectations are continued to be met.

I hope, as a parent, I will be able to effectively communicate with parents so their voices can be heard and have a positive impact as a member of the Fressingfield community.

Head of School – Elected by Staff

Executive Headteacher

Terms of Reference