The school council plays an important part in the life of the school. Recently, they have been involved in and made decisions regarding the following events;
- Interviewing the new Headteacher (Mr Taylor)
- Questioning the local MP (Dr Daniel Poulter)
- Looking at the arrangements for lunchtimes
- Red Nose Day
- World Book Day
- Naming the new school guinea pigs
Our School Council consists of a girl and a boy in each year group, from Year 1 to Year 6. We meet once a month, and chat about how we can make our school even better.
Here are some quotes:
“If you have anything to say or ask us, just come and speak to us.” Eliza
“Do you know what School Council is? Ask us!” Cameron
“Do you have anything you need or want fixed in school? Phoebe
“If you want to know something about what’s going on just ask us.” Daniel
“We can share your ideas at meetings each month.” Kieran
“We are petitioning to get more clocks in school, so we can be more organised.” Jessica