History and Geography Curriculum
At Fressingfield, our Humanities curriculum is planned to be fully inclusive for all our pupils. We teach the requirements of the National Curriculum for History and Geography, providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum and ensuring the progressive development of geographical concepts, knowledge and skills. We enhance the NC by the addition of learning that is particular to our own history and geography in Fressingfield, the Waveney Valley, and wider still into East Anglia. We aim for the children to develop an enthusiasm for history and geography, which they can develop into personal interests later in life.
We aim to provide a high quality geography curriculum which inspires our pupils and fosters curiosity and fascination about the world, its peoples and the past.
Our humanities teaching takes varied forms. From past pupil feedback, the children enjoy and learn best when they are engaged in practical learning experiences. To account for this there are many cross-curricular links, in particular with literacy, drama, art and DT. We also have fully immersive themed days, in KS1 and 2. We hold a Black History Day each year. We have based these on major historical characters (e.g. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King), famous black artists (Harriet Powers, Faith Ringgold, Sonia Boyce) and black poets, which was linked to National Poetry Day (Benjamin Zephaniah, Grace Nichols, James Berry).
The children enjoy and are enthusiastic about history and geography. Learning is assessed using the Not As We Know It assessments and through monitoring of achievement of learning objectives. When interviewed to ascertain pupil perceptions of the subjects, it was very apparent that the teaching of humanities is enjoyed by the children. The quality of the planning, teaching and children’s work has generally improved over the past three years and teachers have a better knowledge and understanding of the requirements, in order to provide a good quality learning experience for our pupils.