Rock Bottom

Wow! What a great couple of nights! The children of Congo and Yangtze Classes really gave us a treat on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July with their fabulous performances of Rock Bottom, a caper through the Stone Age.

The Tuesday evening’s performance seemed to walk a delicate tightrope between control and chaos which added to its charm. The audience enjoyed watching the children navigate their way through the very ambitious production and there were some very funny moments when things seemed to almost go wrong. Wednesday evening’s show was far more polished and just as entertaining. On both nights, the children performed magnificently: the singing was heartfelt and lusty, the acting fantastic, the delivery of the jokes very well-timed, and the physical comedy all worked really well too. We absolutely loved it, so thank you children.

We’re keen to say thank you to all who helped make it such a success: the children, of course; Lydia and her mum for the fantastic dinosaur, mammoth and sabre-toothed tiger; parents for helping their children learn all their lines and for the costumes; and the staff for staying on late and helping with make-up, props, back-stage support and all the other little things that made the show successful. Thank you.