Colorado Class Wilder Day Sessions

Autumn Term

Day 1- Friday 13th October 2023


  • Draw a map of our school grounds noticing important areas for wildlife.
  • Measure the school grounds and establish what wildlife-friendly features were already in place.
  • Mini-beast hunt to determine current species found in the school environment.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Day 2 – Friday 10th November 2023


  • Complete bird ID quiz and make a bird spotting guide.
  • Bird watching on school grounds and listen to birds.
  • Build bird nests from natural resources outside.
  • Make bird feeders and place around the school grounds.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Day 3- Friday 1st December 2023


  • Find suitable locations on the school grounds for hedgehog houses and make the homes.
  • Create posters to ensure children do not disturb the hedgehog homes.
  • Make Christmas decorations from natural materials to sell at our Christmas Fair.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Spring Term

Day 4 – Friday 12th January 2024


  • Building wooden bird boxes.
  • Locating places to put the bird boxes.
  • Scavenger hunt looking for natural resources outside.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Day 5- Friday 9th February 2024


  • Dismantle and clean out old bug hotel.
  • Reassemble bug hotel using new, recycled natural items.
  • Design posters for cake sale and think of what we want to buy with the money we raise.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Day 6- Friday 8th March 2024


  • Identify a variety of trees and plants on the school ground.
  • Discuss how to help Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s priority species list and consider how we can help these animals within the school grounds.
  • Complete the bug hotel and weed the flowerbeds.
  • Sow wildflower seeds ready to replant.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Summer Term

Day 7 – Friday 19th April 2024


  • Weed flowerbeds and plant wildflowers, adding more seeds.
  • Minibeast hunt and compare findings from first hunt.
  • Install new bird feeders and hydration station.

Pictures courtesy of Lauren Mack and SWT

Day 8 – Thursday 23rd May 2024


  • Make nature spotter sheets for other classes to use.
  • Weed flower bed, replant some more bee-friendly plants.
  • Refill bird feeders and hydration station.
  • Build a woodpile house for slow worms.
  • Investigate the contents of owl pellets.

Investigating owl pellets

Click on the following link for more information about our Wilder Schools sessions.