We had such a good time on Friday evening at the Family Fun event. We were so lucky with the weather: it threatened to rain, but then held off – in fact, it turned into a fabulous evening. We are so grateful to FOFSA for all they did to organise the activities, to all the teachers and staff who stayed on late into the evening to run their stalls and to the firefighters who came to us after their shifts at work so we could clamber all over their fire engine! Thank you.

We always say we are ‘at the heart of our community’ and it certainly felt that way on Friday evening. It was wonderful to see the children playing whilst the adults caught up, chatted and relaxed. It is clear we are part of a strong, close and supportive community.

There was so much to do: the pond was teaming with life and Lauren Mack was on hand to tell us all exactly what we were looking at; the bouncy castles kept many children entertained all evening; there was rounders and football well into the night; a crowd of children were kept entertained and well-fed by Miss Adamson and Mrs Bishop at the fire-pit; the wand-making stall was incredibly popular; and it was great to see the children’s faces when the fire engine turned up with its lights flashing and its woo-woos on! The evening ended with the great fun of the tug-of-war, which everyone really enjoyed (but would someone please remind me next time that my back is too old for silly games!).

FOFSA report that the evening raised a fantastic £350. So, well done all and thank you once again to all who helped make the evening brilliant.